Research continues to be top priority of Kentucky Small Grain Growers
The Kentucky Small Grain Growers Association has allocated more than $4.8 million in producer check-off contributions toward research over the last 34 years.
KySGGA has been dedicated to the areas of variety development, Intensive Wheat Management, and No-Till practices.
Current Research Project Funding
Ky Small Grain Growers voted to fund the following research and grower education projects for a total investment of $351,143 in the 2023-2024 growing season.
Lauren Brzozowski - Breeding locally adapted cereal rye varieties
Lauren Brzozowski - Winter oat breeding for Kentucky
Carrie Knott - YEN Expansion into Kentucky
Samuel Revolinski - Developing Genetic Markers for Metribuzen Tolerance in Wheat to Aid in the Management of Italian Ryegrass Through Herbicide Synergism
Chad Lee - Understanding Wheat Head Count Effect on Yield
Hanna Poffenbarger - Evaluation of foliar-applied nano-fertilizers for enhanced nitrogen use efficiency of wheat
Edwin Ritchey - Intensive Wheat Management: Moving from Small Plot to Field Scale
Edwin Ritchey - Grazing Cover Crop Wheat and Wheat for Grain to Maximize Soil Health Returns
Travis Legleiter - Investigations of Ever-Evolving Italian Ryegrass Control in Winter Wheat
Dave Van Sanford - Soft Red Winter Wheat Breeding and Variety Development for Kentucky
Dave Van Sanford - Determining The Effect Of Wheat Photoperiod Sensitivity On Heading Date, Yield, Test Weight And Other Traits
Bill Bruening - Performance of Small Grain Varieties in Kentucky
Carl Bradley - Septoria Sensitivity to Triazoles
Toshi Mizuta - Predicting Plant-Available Nitrogen in Soil for Wheat Production Using Spectroscopy
Nicholas Santantonio (VA Tech) - Improvement and Development of Barley for Use in Feed, Malt, and Food
Bill Brinkley and Craig Givens - Soil Health
Raul T Villanueva - Climate Changes and Shifts on Phenological Patterns of Aphids and Armyworms in Wheat
2024 Research Reports
Lauren Brzozowski - Improving breeding efficiency of locally-adapted cereal rye varieties
Lauren Brzozowski - Winter oat breeding for Kentucky
Dennis Pennington - YEN Expansion into Kentucky
Phil Needham - Evaluation Of Different Rates, Timings, and Forms of Sulphur On Winter Wheat
Edwin Ritchey - Intensive Wheat Management, a Research and Educational Opportunity for Kentucky.
Bill Bruening - Performance of Small Grain Varieties in Kentucky
Hanna Poffenbarger - Evaluation of foliar-applied nano-fertilizers for enhanced nitrogen use efficiency of wheat
Carl Bradley - Management of Fusarium Head Blight of Wheat With Fungicides and Varieties
Dave Van Sanford - Soft Red Winter Wheat Breeding and Variety Development for Kentucky
Nicholas Santantonio (VA Tech) - Improvement and Development of Barley for Use in Feed, Malt, and Food
Travis Legleiter - Investigations of Ever-Evolving Italian Ryegrass Control in Winter Wheat
Samuel Revolinski - Metribuzin Safety In Wheat Depends on Variety Planted and Application Rates
Samuel Revolinski - Evaluation of Wheat Varieties for Metribuzin Tolerance
2023 Research Reports
Intensive Wheat Management, a Research and Educational Opportunity for Kentucky
Management of Fusarium Head Blight of Wheat: Are Premium Fungicides Needed on Resistant Varieties?
Evaluation of UAV-applied fungicides for control of wheat diseases
Winter Cover Crop Effects on Soil Health in Sloping Cropland
Submitting a Research Application
The Kentucky Small Grain Growers Association and Kentucky Small Grain Promotion Council is interested in reviewing research proposals from any institution that engages in small grain research.
All research projects that KySGGA/KySGPC fund benefit Kentucky small grain producers by producing results that will increase farm profitability. Projects should be geared to the research of small grain crops (wheat, barley, oats, rice, rye, triticale) or of production/marketing issues and methods that may benefit all Kentucky crop growers.
Contact us for additional information.