2023 Fusarium Head Blight Disease Impact Update Indicates Most of U.S. Reported Low Levels of FHB, with Impacted Crops Found in Isolated Regions
The U.S. Wheat and Barley Scab Initiative (USWBSI) is pleased to announce the publishing of its 2023 Fusarium Head Blight Disease Impact Update. This year commentary from experts in 31 states indicated FHB did not impact grain yield or quality for most growers in the U.S. A few states experienced FHB development in isolated regions where it’s typically not a concern. Other states reported FHB concerns in late planted crops and organically managed small grains. In most cases, growers were able to mitigate FHB using fungicide applications and management practices.
Regarding Kentucky
Many of the wheat acres in Kentucky are planted following corn using a no-till system. This leaves Fusarium-infected corn stalks and debris that serve as sources for FHB inoculum in the soft winter wheat. Most growers take this into consideration when making their management decisions and choose to plant moderately resistant varieties and to apply the most efficacious fungicides. “These management practices, often utilized by Kentucky farmers, have helped limit the impact of FHB and DON,” said Carl Bradley, University of Kentucky extension plant pathologist. This year, the impact of FHB and DON was low and growers harvested a total of 460,000 acres with an average state yield of 88 bushels per acre.
“These management practices…have helped limit the impact of FHB and DON.”
“It’s great to see that management practices, the risk tools, and new varieties with improved resistance, developed by experts collaborating with the USWBSI, are reducing the risk of FHB when implemented by U.S. growers,” said Ruth Dill-Macky, USWBSI Research Co-Chair. Growers and researchers utilize the information provided by the USWBSI to make production decisions, plan research in the coming years, identify issues that may need attention, and validate tools used to mitigate FHB including the FHB Risk Tool, fungicides, and crop varieties.
The Fusarium Head Blight Disease Impact Update provides an annual report of the crop growing conditions as well as the impact of FHB on wheat and barley in different regions of the United States. Additionally, photos from the different growing regions have been included to highlight specific crop conditions. The USWBSI has been releasing this update article annually since 2010 to provide insight into the impact of FHB during the most recent growing season.
For readers interested in learning more about Fusarium Head Blight of wheat and barley visit ScabUSA to find publications and resources produced by USWBSI-funded researchers. Producers can also view the USWBSI FHB Risk Tool developed by researchers in the USWBSI, to monitor FHB risk during the growing season. Real-time FHB Alerts sent out during the growing season are also provided by the USWBSI free of charge, learn more and subscribe on the website.
The USWBSI is a national multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional research consortium whose goal is to develop effective control measures that minimize the threat of Fusarium Head Blight (scab), including the production of mycotoxins, for producers, processors and consumers of wheat and barley. The USWBSI’s more than $8.6 million annual budget comes from Federal funds appropriated through the USDA-ARS and is distributed to nearly 140 research projects in more than 30 states.